Theory exams

LCME Theory exams

Theory Syllabuses

Exam Formats

We offer Theory exams in two formats:

Where can I take a written theory exam?

In-person theory exams are held in exam centres around the world:

UK & Ireland
: Theory exams are only available at selected public theory exam centres. Please note that not all theory centres participate in every theory session. Please check with the representative of your chosen centre for information on specific sessions. For exam centre contact details, please click here.

Please contact the LCME office if you wish to hold Theory exams at your own venue.

Overseas: Please contact the LCME office, and the customer service team will be able to assist you.

When can I sit a theory exam?

  • Theory exam dates are set by the LCME office and are the same in every country across both digital and in-person formats.
  • Exams are held in June and November.
  • Both Theory syllabuses are available in digital and in-person formats in the Summer and Winter sessions only.
  • Theory Diplomas are only available in the summer session.

Theory Exam Dates

Digital and in-person theory dates are the same:

  • Summer 2025 - 10am Saturday 14 June (closing date 15 April)
  • Winter 2025 - 10am Saturday 29 November (closing date 08 October)

How can I enter for a theory exam?

  • UK & Ireland candidates: You can enter a theory exam via ERIC, our online booking platform.
  • International candidates: Please get in touch with your local LCME representative to book a theory exam.

Please note we do not accept paper entry forms for theory exams.

  • Summer session booking is available from 1 March and closes 15 April
  • Winter session booking is available from 1 September and closes 8 October

LCME Music Theory Papers

Past music theory papers are a valuable tool for exam preparation, providing you with a clear example of the type and format of questions that may appear in the exam.

Digital downloads of past theory papers are available through

All past papers since 2002 are available - as well as worked papers for selected sessions and Theory Handbooks as downloadable pdf files.

Other exam levels