Drum Kit

About LCME Drum Kit Exams

Exam levels
Exam formats

Alongside traditional graded exams, we also provide alternatives to our standard examination format designed to offer something different to our diverse range of candidates:

  • Graded exam – performance of three pieces, technical work, sight reading, a discussion and aural tests.
  • Recital Grade – an exam entirely or predominantly performance-based
  • Leisure Play – a performance of four pieces, with an optional own-choice piece
  • Performance Award – a performance-based assessment by video submission
  • Concert – (diplomas level only) an entirely performance-based exam

LCME Drum Kit syllabus 2022

The LCME 2022 Drum Kit Syllabus and handbooks feature specially commissioned pieces, two foundation levels for beginners (steps 1 and 2), and grades 1 to 8.


The handbooks are packed with all the material you need for each exam component and can be purchased from our online shop. Please note that candidates must perform one piece from the handbook in their exam.

Changes and Updates

Specially commissioned pieces have been written by respected teachers and session musicians with a greater focus on exploring the variety of musical styles and challenges met by the developing percussionist. Candidates can delve into a range of musical genres, from pop and rock to Latin, marches and funk. Reference points, hints and tips have been introduced in detailed guides to help with practice and preparation. With no requirement to choose pieces from setlists, the syllabus offers freedom for candidates to present a varied programme of pieces. 

Three accompanied pieces are included at each level (tracks are downloadable here), and from grades 1-5, at least one piece must be played with an accompaniment to demonstrate ensemble skills. At grade 6 and above, drummers must present solo and accompanied playing as well as the ability to work with a click track – a must-have in professional playing environments.

When it comes to technical work, there is a choice of two options: either a set of rudiments based on the snare drum or a rudimental study. The snare drum rudiments are designed to bring in left-hand dominance and varying feet coordination while the carefully tailored study offers the opportunity to demonstrate the same technical demands in the context of a piece.

Specimen tests are included to help prepare for sight-reading and aural tests, and discussion topics have been updated to explore instrument design and techniques – knowledge that is integral to becoming a competent drum kit player.

LCME has long prided itself on a well-rounded, exciting and flexible approach to drum kit exams, and the 2022 syllabus does not disappoint.  


Please note that the 2022 syllabus is now valid for examinations.

List of Errata

LCME 2022 Drum Kit Step 1 & 2 Handbooks assign 15 marks instead of 25 to Component 1 (Technical Exercises) and 7 marks instead of 15 to Component 3 (Discussion). The online edition has been updated. Please refer to the syllabus for the most up-to-date marking scheme.

LCME 2022 Drum Kit Handbook Grade 2 - page 30: some styles are incorrectly labelled. Please see a copy of the updated page here. This has been amended in the online version.


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What’s in the exam


Exam content

  • Technical work
  • Performance (3 pieces)
  • Discussion
  • Sight reading
  • Aural tests
Leisure Play

Exam content

  • Performance (4 pieces)
  • Additional piece/Sight reading/Discussion

Exam content


  • Performance
  • Discussion
  • Sight reading


  • Performance
  • Discussion/Sight reading


  • Performance

Exam content


  • Performance
  • Discussion
  • Sight reading


  • Performance
  • Discussion/Sight reading


  • Performance

Exam content


  • Performance
  • Discussion
  • Sight Reading


  • Performance
  • Discussion/Sight Reading


  • Performance

Exam content

  • Performance
  • Programme notes
DipLCM Teaching

Exam content

ALCM Teaching

Exam content

LLCM Teaching

Exam content