Snare Drum

About LCME Snare Drum Exams

Exam levels
Exam formats

Alongside traditional graded exams, we also provide alternatives to our standard examination format designed to offer something different to our diverse range of candidates:

  • Graded exam – performance of three pieces, technical work, sight reading, a discussion and aural tests.
  • Recital Grade – an exam entirely or predominantly performance-based
  • Leisure Play – a performance of four pieces, with an optional own-choice piece

Repertoire List 2022

Changes and Updates

The LCME Percussion Repertoire List 2022 is now available, with a revised selection of pieces for all the percussion disciplines.

Following the success of the 2022 drum kit syllabus, snare drum, timpani, and tuned percussion have now been updated to provide the most versatile performance options.

Percussion exams can be taken on each instrument individually or combined to create a custom Percussion exam. Combining drum kit, snare drum, timpani, and tuned percussion remains an effective method for developing an all-around percussionist.


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What’s in the exam


Exam content

  • Technical work
  • Performance (3 pieces)
  • Discussion
  • Sight reading
  • Aural tests

Download Syllabus

Leisure Play

Exam content

  • Performance (4 pieces)

Exam content

  • Performance (4 pieces)
  • Additional piece/Sight reading/Discussion