Exam Centres - UK & Ireland
Region +
- - Birmingham
- - Blackpool
- - Bolton
- - Boston
- - Bracknell
- - Brentwood
- - Bristol
- - Burnley
- - Bury St Edmunds
- - Chelmsford
- - Chichester and Portsmouth
- - Corby
- - Coventry
- - Crewe
- - Doncaster
- - Dudley
- - Folkestone
- - Frimley and Guildford
- - Gorleston and Great Yarmouth
- - Grimsby
- - Heysham
- - Huddersfield
- - Hull
- - Isle of Wight
- - Keighley
- - Leeds
- - Leicester
- - Lincoln
- - Liverpool & Southport
- - London (Ealing UWL)
- - London (North-East)
- - London (North-West)
- - London (South-East)
- - London (South-West)
- - Manchester
- - Milton Keynes
- - Newbury
- - Newcastle and North East
- - Norwich
- - Nottingham
- - Nuneaton
- - Oswestry
- - Oxfordshire
- - Peterborough
- - Preston and Leyland
- - Sheffield & Chesterfield
- - Shrewsbury
- - Stoke On Trent
- - Swindon
- - Taunton
- - Tunbridge Wells
- - Wakefield
- - Watford & Radlett
- - Windermere
- - Wigan
- - Wolverhampton
- - Worcestershire
- - Workington
- - York
- Northern Ireland+
- Republic of Ireland+
- Scotland+
- Wales+
Bury St Edmunds Centre Exam Dates
View session closing dates.
Provisional exam dates are below. LCME will make all possible attempts to meet date requests but they are not guaranteed. Please be prepared for your exam to be scheduled at any time within the exam session.