About LCME DJ Exams
LCME is delighted to offer an exciting range of graded exams for DJs in partnership with FutureDJs.
Future DJs’ highly skilled DJ tutors offer an online course on, which will prepare you to take our forward-thinking exams.
These qualifications are suitable for both existing and aspiring DJs and are offered at three levels:
- Debut (equivalent to Grade 1)
- Breakthrough (equivalent to Grade 3)
- Artist (equivalent to Grade 5)
Having become familiar with decks, mixers and PAs, you will be examined on basic transitions. Scratching and beat juggling techniques are assessed at Debut level and you will need to show an understanding and awareness of balancing, structure, track selection and harmony.
Having honed your skills to become a competent DJ and creative mixer, the performance ability expected at Breakthrough level is of a more demanding nature. You will be able to demonstrate beat matching tracks of similar tempo by ear, and inventiveness is an increasingly important element of the assessment.
The standard required at Artist level is considered suitable to perform to an audience. You should show flair with techniques like advanced scratching and looping, and a variety of effects should be used to create moods in mixing. You should be developing a personal style and sound, and musicality is judged to be an important element of assessment.
How do I take the exam?
- As a In-person exam at certain specialist exam centres
N.B. These qualifications are not currently available as a recorded exam option